While the next season is in pre-production, we wanted to hear from fans about what they’ve enjoyed about the show so far. And we begin with fellow audio-drama podcaster David S. Dear, creator and voice of A NINTH WORLD JOURNAL. A fascinating conversation with a great guy!


I closed this episode with a bit of the theme from David’s show, which is “Hitman” by Kevin MacLeod at http://incompetech.com. Credit where it’s due!

Hear episodes of A NINTH WORLD JOURNAL and learn more about the show at http://ninthworldjournal.com!

Click on any of the links below to subscribe:

iTunes  •  Stitcher  •  Spotify  •  Google Play Music

You can find more of David’s voiceover work at davidsdear.com

A Ninth World Journal is a podcast based on Numenera, a tabletop roleplaying game created and published by Monte Cook Games, LLC. The stories, locations, character concepts and artwork are all derived from or based on Monte Cook Games, LLC.