The voice of Kyle Jones has been a presence in RELATIVITY almost from the beginning, as part of crowd scenes and in odd mixtures of mysterious sounds. Then he finally got some lines of his own in the “extra content” episode 30-B, aka “The Day Peter Went Outside,” as Peter’s younger brother Raymond.

To say that RELATIVITY owes a lot to Kyle is something of an understatement. It was Kyle who first encouraged series creator Lee Shackleford to create his own podcast, and Kyle who supported the show through its earliest days with unflagging optimism and hearty support on the podcast Discussing Who. It was also Kyle who introduced Lee to the rich baritone you’ve come to know as “Marcus,” Clarence Brown.
Kyle’s passion for Doctor Who, comic books, and sci-fi sparked the creation of what is now the Discussing Network, where he hosts and produces Discussing Who and Discussing Comics while co-hosting Discussing Trek. On all of these shows, Kyle engages listeners in the discussion because of the intriguing questions he asks of his co-hosts. He always comes prepared with a list of “discussion starters” that make him one of the best hosts on any podcast reviewing other media.
Kyle has become a favorite guest at scif-fi/fantasy conventions, prepared to participate in panel discussions of just about any comics (across the entire history of the medium), most iterations of Star Trek, and all of Doctor Who, both classic and new. His encyclopedic knowledge of “New Who” is especially valued at such events.