Fan Art!

We’ve received some wonderful graphic conceptions of the show’s imaginary world! It’s one of the greatest gifts a fan can give to a show, and we are always deeply grateful. Plus — they’re fun!

Our first-ever fan art! Courtesy of the insanely brilliant Kenneth Eckle.
A favorite everywhere I’ve shared it — a keen insight by Alex.
Such a charming image by Alex.
Alex’s mental image of Prithvi. Pretty much dead-on, says the scriptwriter.
If memory serves, this is Alex’s idea of the earliest photo of Sophia and Sybil together. Aw!
Sophia’s big WTF moment in the rain forest at Arecibo, courtesy of Alex.
And isn’t this sublime? Gorgeous little animated art by Alex. Anyone’s who’s listened to the series will know what Chris is seeing…
Fan-from-Day-One Kyle Jones made this for us!
Does Nadia see herself as having hair? It’s a good question!
We blush to admit we can no longer remember
who made this for us … anybody out there know?